Dr. Aniz Khalfan
MD, FRCPC (Anesthesiology)
Dr. Aniz Khalfan is an Anesthesiologist practicing in the Greater Vancouver Area. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada.
Dr. Khalfan completed her Medical degree in the United Kingdom and her Residency in Anesthesia at the University of British Columbia. She has over 30 years of experience in Anesthesia and held the position of Chief of Anesthesia at St Mary's Hospital.
Presently Dr. Khalfan has a focused Pain practice. She has been helping patients with chronic pain for the last 8 years. She applies the best available knowledge and incorporates evidence-based medicine in the field of Chronic Pain.
Her clinical practice includes management of a variety of conditions, including myofascial pain and her Interventional Pain Practice includes trigger point injections. For support toward this she was honoured with a grant from the Royal College in 2013.
Dr. Khalfan has a Passion and Special Interest in Chronic Pain Education in a group setting and has been leading Group Pain Education classes for the past 8 years. She is Stanford Certified to deliver the Empowered Relief Pain Education Program and holds certificates for Sleep management and nutrition for chronic pain. She is also a Certified Leader for the University of Victoria Self Management Program.
Dr. Khalfan is very involved in Teaching and in the Community. She enjoys teaching learners in clinic. She has been an Examiner for the Medical Council of Canada, has the Physician leadership Institute Certificate, and has held various leadership positions for the Agakhan Health Board of British Columbia. Dr. Khalfan sits on the Medical Advisory Board of the ME/FM Society of BC, is very involved within the community with the Rotary Club, and has been President of the Rotary Club of West Vancouver.